CAN-AM Maverick X3
Can-am Maverick X3 clutch kit
The Maverick X3 is an amazing machine, the clutches in the Maverick X3 are some of the best quality clutches ever put into a machine from the factory. Their durability and life expectancy is far greater than any clutch offered in any OEM SXS to date. With the transmission gearing complimenting the clutches and power, this machine works amazingly well in stock form. When you really push the machine hard, or get power hungry and run aftermarket reflashes for more power, the stock clutch is still a wonderful clutch but it needs different calibrations to help withstand the full throttle abuse, larger tires, and/or the addition of more power than stock. We have been working with the X3 since before they were publicly introduced and are happy to offer the best products available on the market to calibrate the clutches properly for your aggressive riding, larger tires, or for any reflash and power upgrade you can find. We work hand-in-hand with the aftermarket tuners who offer these reflashes to help figure out what calibrations work best for each power upgrade, as well as test these machines in every condition possible in order to figure out what works best for everyone from Duners to short course racers all the way down to your recreational rider sight-seeing the back country. We guarantee the parts you will receive will be the best parts that money can buy for your machine, our testing allows us to figure out what calibrations fit the needs of different riding styles, and at different power levels, and we offer many different calibration parts in order to help fine tune these clutches to meet your needs in every condition. The parts you will receive will be what we have selected to meet your needs based on the information you have given us, and we are confident that you will be pleased. Each setup we ship can have many different configurations, different springs, different helix angles, different weights and profiles, and no two kit may be exactly alike. We do appreciate you taking your time to check us out and we pride ourselves in being able to offer you the best parts that money can buy and we hope you have many worry free and happy miles.